Title: Heroine Shikkaku
Alternate Title: Heroine Disqualified, No Longer Heroine
Original Work: Momoko Kouda
Runtime: 112 minutes
Genre: Rom-Com
Hatori Matsuzaki is a female high school student. She has a crush on her childhood friend Rita Terasaka and believes he will eventually choose her as her heroine, but Rita Terasaka begins dating Miho Adachi. Meanwhile, the most popular male student, Kosuke Hiromitsu takes an interest in Hatori Matsuzaki.
If someone asks me to pick one live action movie and live with it forever, I'll definitely choose Heroine Shikkaku. I loved and continously love everything about the live action movie.
Let's start with the characters:
Terasaka Rita
I liked Yamazaki Kento since his role in L-DK and watched him silently (lol. Hardly. I fangirl-ed so hard especially during L-DK era. :D) as he began to dominate the live action scene. Everything about Yamaken was perfect for Terasaka Rita's role, except for the fact that he didn't make me hate Rita as much as I hated him in the manga. The 2D Rita was a fickle-minded jerk and I hated him as much as I hated 2D Mabuchi Kou in Aoharaido. Rita and Kou are like my most hated heros ever. Haha! What Rita always did was to hurt Hatori because he was so indecisive. But the Rita 3D was not as bad as Rita 2D. It was established nicely that he had feelings for Hatori ever since their childhood days. He just didn't realized that he was in love with her until Hiromitsu, my bae, entered the scene. I loved the part where he kept Hatori's photos with or without him. That was really sweet and I'm completely sold to him because of that.
Matsuzaki Hatori
Hatori's character was far from your beta-shoujo manga heroine type. She had a rotten personality and liked to look down on people. She strongly believed that Rita was only destined to be with her in the end until Adachi happened. Kiritani Mirei's portrayal of Hatori was superb. She was hilarious and I couldn't ask more from her. She nailed Hatori's facial expressions. It was as if Hatori was created specifically for Mirei.
Hiromitsu Kousuke
Oh, my oh-so favorite Hiromitsu! You have no idea how much I loved Hiromisu 2D. He is my favorite second lead ever. He was really charming and perfect and Hatori was such an idiot for choosing Rita over him! Sakaguchi Kentarou was the perfect Hiromitsu. And I don't think that I could ever move on from Hiromitsu for life. You don't have any idea how crazy I am for Sakaguchi because of this. My fangirl heart fainted whenever he did squeal-worthy gestures. I was crying with so much feels because my heart broke for him. I fell in love with Hiromitsu completely the moment Hatori bumped into her in the cafeteria. Hiromitsu is my ichiban in my second lead harem. :D
Overall, I my heart yearns for Hiromitsu but I don't have any objections. Because for me, the purpose of Heroine Shikkaku is to let us know that no one is perfect. No matter how lacking you are, there will always be someone who will accept you just the way you are and wouldn't want you any other way. Just like Hatori and Rita with each other.
My Personal Thoughts
Heroine Shikkaku is something really special to me. I've read the manga during the times that I was going through the shittiest phase of my life. Heroine Shikkaku made me realize that it is okay to not be heroine-like. That it is okay to be yourself, no matter how twisted you are. Because someday, someone will come along who would accept you--all of you--imperfections and all. I just hoped that Hiromitsu ended up with someone else. How I wish I meet my very own Hiromitsu. :P
Rating: 5/5
Watch Heroine Shikkaku Live Action HERE
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