Title: Kimi no Na wa
Written and Directed: Makoto Shinkai
Animation: CoMix Wave Films
Distributed: Toho
Running Time: 107 minutes
The story is set one month after a comet has fallen for the first time in a thousand years in Japan. Mitsuha, a high school girl living in the countryside, wants to live in the city because she is tired of life in the country. Then, there's Taki. He's a high school student living in Tokyo with his friends while working as a part-timer at an Italian restaurant. He also has a strong interest in fine arts involving architecture. One day, Mitsuha dreams of herself as a young man. On the other hand, Taki also has a dream where he is a female student attending high school in the countryside. What's the secret behind their dreams?
Genre: Drama, Romance, School, Supernatural, SciFi
Is there any Japanese culture enthusiast that hasn't watched this movie? I bet none. The movie is a 14.56 billion yen ($140.3 million dollars) box office hit. The rave about this movie was extreme. Upon watching it, I immediately realized why. Makoto Shinkai's "Kimi no Na wa" or "Your Name" is a masterpiece. I can say that it is on par with Ghibli Films that I utterly loved since I was young.
Kimi no Na wa was skillyfully delivered. Everything about this movie was perfect. The characters, the phasing, the story, the animation, the soundtrack---everything. I emphatized with the characters throughout the movie. It was a roller-coaster ride feels. It was my first time watching a Makoto Shinkai film and it didn't disappoint.
Watching the movie makes me want to read the novel, too. But it's a shame that it's only available in Japan and I can't read Japanese.
Rating: 5/5
Watch Kimi no Na wa HERE
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